Bring On The Night: (17-05-21)

May 18, 2021 02:52:40
Bring On The Night: (17-05-21)
Bring On The Night
Bring On The Night: (17-05-21)

May 18 2021 | 02:52:40


Show Notes

sadside project - loot uriah heep - easy livin' rainbow - tarot woman judas priest - tyrant wishbon ash - jail bait camel - supertwister unkle, tom smith - the other side (ronin def mix) john mayall - i got somebody elton john - take me to the pilot (live) depeche mode - personal jesus johnny cash - hurt elvis presley - i'm so lonesome i could cry (live) counting crows - elevator boots volbeat, neil fallon - die to live foo fighters - no way back killing joke - eighties ffdp, rob halford - lift me up aerosmith, run dmc - walk this way the vintage caravan - can't get you off my mind green day - pollyanna fall out boy - thnks fr th mmrs rem - it's the end of the world the offspring - hit that garbage - no gods no masters pj harvey - this is love qotsa - goin' out west sepultura - arise russian circles - arluck opeth - will o the wisp dirty honey - tied up the black crowes - my morning song derek and the dominos - layla the allman brothers band - don't keep me wonderin' (live) taj mahal - tomorrow may not be your day
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